Sidemenu 1
Created on Dec 12, 2015


You will have a beautiful multilevel collapsible menu (maximum of 3, I recommend that we don't need more than 3 levels) on the side menu (app drawer). Works as a clean directive . You are all set.

I always take it serious to keep the code quality high, with clean and self-explained code. When purchasing this, you also get my latest "helper" snippets inside the package to make it more fun to code.

What's in the package

  • Ionic Project source code: based on the folder structure generated with Ionic CLI
  • No Backend code: this is just the UI, not a fully functional app. Data is mostly static dummy unless mentioned, e.g GIF search uses the real Giphy API


Watch on Youtube

See how it works on Youtube:

Happy prototyping!


Note: All updates are on Ionic 1

Last updated: Jun 17 2017


  • First version


  • Support manual url for menu item.


  • Compatible with Ionic CLI ~3.4.0


  • Come as a directive
  • Customizable color
  • Nice animated effect

Run locally

1.Install Ionic environment

$ npm install -g cordova@9.0.0
$ npm install -g ionic@4.12.0

2.After purchasing, download the zip file containing the entire demo app and unzip

3.Go inside the extracted folder

4.Install all dependencies

$ npm install
$ bower install

5.Start local server

$ ionic serve

6.Your default browser should now automatically open the template


You can simply add a url property in the data object to override the url of the menu item.

        name: "Electronics",
        id: 4,
        items: [// Required: array, even empty
            name: "TV",
            id: 40,
            items: [
                name: "Sony",
                id: 402
                name: "Other - custom URL",
                url: '/app/other' <----- HERE

Besides, I brought the category state config out as a directive attribute. In previous version, you need to go inside the plugin source code to modify

// Use ui-router's state to specify the active menu item
        var CATEGORY_STATE = 'app.category';

Now, just use the attribute categoryState

<category-tree categories="categories" title="Categories" category-state="app.category"></category-tree>


If you need any technical support or have any questions, don't hesitate to send me a message:


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My best Ionic 4 products (3 themes + 1 plugin) are now on sale with promotion code BUNDLE4. Please click the button below for more information.

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2024, by Hieu Pham